Tag: geoengineering
Geoscientist J. Marvin Herndon, PhD, of the Transdyne Corporation, published a provocative paper April 21, 2017 in the Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International, titled “Evidence of Variable Earth-heat Production, Global Non-anthropogenic Climate Change, and Geoengineered Global Warming and Polar Melting.” [1]
Readers may remember I’ve featured Dr Herndon’s innovative scientific research regarding weather geoengineering a couple of times: “Weather Geoengineering, Chemtrails, Aluminum and Alzheimer’s: The Four Horsemen Of The Weather Apocalypse,” and “Intentional Efforts To Cause Global Warming And Glacier Melting Indication Scientifically Found.”
One of the more revealing concepts Dr Herndon mentions in his recent article is something not many are willing to acknowledge as the cause of much grief affecting humans and the environment: “During the past 38 years, the standards of scientific inquiry have changed, particularly among those who depend upon government support. Logic-based challenges to current thinking have largely been replaced by consensus conformity.”
Sciences specifically affected by “consensus conformity” include, among others, the health sciences, especially vaccinology, or the ‘science’ of vaccines—more like pseudoscience, I offer, and microwave science, which lags behind from the World War II era in recognizing only thermal waves but not health-damaging non-thermal radiation waves [2].
As Dr Herndon states, “The oceans are our planet’s major reservoir for CO2.” OMG, how will they ever collect carbon taxes from the oceans? Or from humans, who exhale it with every outbreath? Isn’t that quite an insurmountable problem? Or, will they impose human CO2 taxes for our polluting the planet just by living and breathing on what cabal controllers ‘think’ is their scientific playground? Please excuse my tongue-in-cheekiness.
However, in Dr Herndon’s latest paper, we find questions [3], which need answering—and very soon.
- As NOAA and NASA are both prime sources of data utilized in climate models and assessments, and are apparently participants in the global covert tropospheric geoengineering activity, how objective are their data?
- Indeed, what are the purposes of spraying a toxic substance into the air we breathe on a near-daily, near-global basis? Surely, those closely connected with the operation know that it causes global warming and polar ice melting.
- Do government leaders realize that the intent of these covert geoengineering efforts is to cause global warming? Or are leaders being deceived, told that the tropospheric aerosol spraying is to prevent global warming?
- Is it being done to get at the petroleum and other natural resources beneath polar ice?
- Is tropospheric geoengineering being done to cause global warming so as to provide a basis for the United Nations to take control of major elements of sovereign nations’ economies? Or are more sinister motives involved?
- The military has researched weaponizing weather since 1947, but at what cost to human and environmental health? What have leaders been told that makes them acquiesce to a program that is no less than an assault on planet Earth?
- Who profits from this?
- Why are scientists promoting the idea of future geoengineering when they know, or certainly ought to know, that tropospheric geoengineering has been ongoing nearly worldwide for decades.”
Nevertheless, the scientific “nitty-gritty” aspects of Dr Herndon’s paper, I think, can be found in his discussion of “COVERT GEOENGINEERING CONTRIBUTION TO GLOBAL WARMING.” Here’s what he says in part:
Geoengineering is defined here as deliberate, large-scale activities aimed at modifying weather/climate systems [i.e., from the troposphere to the stratosphere to the ionosphere — all natural systems]. Weather modification programs have been employed by many nations at least since the 1960s, that is for over half a century, typically for agricultural purposes.”
There has not only been great secrecy involved, but governments have deceived citizens, either denying the aerial activity or falsely asserting that the observed aerial trails are simply contrails, ice crystals formed from water vapor in jet exhaust. In 2005 the United States Air Force distributed to government agencies and published online a document entitled “Contrails Facts” [65] which blatantly denied the existence of the observed particulate trails and falsely asserted that they are contrails.
65. http://www.nuclearplanet.com/USAF.pdf., Accessed April 17, 2017.
There is good evidence that the main particulate matter being sprayed into the troposphere worldwide is coal fly ash, the light ash from coal combustion by electric power companies that is considered to be too toxic to be allowed to exit smokestacks in Western nations [63,66-68].
>63. Herndon JM. Adverse agricultural consequences of weather modification. AGRIVITA Journal of Agricultural Science. 2016;38:213-221.
66. Herndon JM, Whiteside M. Further evidence of coal fly ash utilization in tropospheric geoengineering: Implications on human and environmental health. J. Geog. Environ. Earth Sci. Intn. 2017;9: 1-8.
67. Herndon JM. Aluminum poisoning of humanity and earth’s biota by clandestine geoengineering activity: Implications for India. Curr. Sci. 2015;108:2173-2177.
68. Herndon JM. Obtaining evidence of coal fly ash content in weather modification (geoengineering) through analyses of postaerosol spraying rainwater and solid substances. Ind. J. Sci. Res. and Tech. 2016;4:30-36.
In the midst of official denial and misrepresentation, one can deduce from physical effects the purposes, if not the motives, for the near-daily, near-global coal fly ash tropospheric geoengineering. Aerosolized coal fly ash retards the fall of rain, at least until clouds become so overburdened that they let go with torrential downpours and storms. Coal fly ash makes atmospheric moisture more electrically conducting, which may be useful in military electromagnetic activities [69]. Coal fly ash sprayed into the troposphere heats the atmosphere, and retards heat loss from Earth’s surface thus enhancing global warming. As coal fly ash settles to the ground, its typically dark gray color absorbs sunlight and alters albedo, again enhancing global warming [66].
69. Bertell R. Planet earth, the latest weapon of war: A critical study into the military and the environment. The Women’s Press: London; 2000.
Dr Herndon’s remarks in the above last paragraph certainly are incriminating about global warming being a man-made (anthropogenic) tragedy, along with an experiment all humans are forced to participate in unknowingly, unwillingly and in defiance of the Nuremberg Code [4].
n the Conclusions of his article, Dr Herndon offers these bone-chilling remarks:
Tropospheric aerosolized particulates, evidenced as coal fly ash, inhibit rainfall, heat the atmosphere, and enhance global warming. Evidence obtained from an accidental aerial release of an engineered material indicates there is an effort to melt glacial ice and thus enhance global warming. By ignoring ongoing tropospheric geoengineering, the IPCC climate assessments as well as the moral authority of the United Nations are compromised.
Fig. 7. Three aircraft flying simultaneously in the same physical environment in which contrail formation is possible in the air above Tucson, Arizona (USA) in 2011. Note that two display short contrails characteristic of rapid ice evaporation. The lengthy trail across the sky is not a contrail – otherwise it would have evaporated as quickly, and been as short, as the other two. Rather, the long trail is formed by emplaced particulate matter. Courtesy of Bornfree and Russ Tanner [from Dr Herndon’s paper]
Dr Herndon’s latest paper is written in scientific language. However, I encourage readers to ‘plough’ through it, as it explains much of what needs to be understood about how not only weather is being manipulated, but science, the environment and humans, as a result of clandestine mechanisms. I wish more humans were interested enough to oppose what’s happening to us and our beloved planet.
Thank you, Dr Herndon, for your unfailing scientific efforts.
[1] Article: http://www.nuclearplanet.com/variable_heat.pdf
In Spanish: http://www.nuclearplanet.com/variable_heat.s.pdf
[3] Press Release: http://www.nuclearplanet.com/variable_heat.pr.pdf
In Spanish: http://www.nuclearplanet.com/variable_heat.pr.s.pdf
- The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.
- The experiment should be such as to yield fruitful results for the good of society, unprocurable by other methods or means of study, and not random and unnecessary in nature.
- The experiment should be so designed and based on the results of animal experimentation and a knowledge of the natural history of the disease or other problem under study, that the anticipated results will justify the performance of the experiment.
- The experiment should be so conducted as to avoid all unnecessary physical and mental suffering and injury.
- No experiment should be conducted, where there is an a priori reason to believe that death or disabling injury will occur; except, perhaps, in those experiments where the experimental physicians also serve as subjects.
- The degree of risk to be taken should never exceed that determined by the humanitarian importance of the problem to be solved by the experiment.
- Proper preparations should be made and adequate facilities provided to protect the experimental subject against even remote possibilities of injury, disability, or death.
- The experiment should be conducted only by scientifically qualified persons. The highest degree of skill and care should be required through all stages of the experiment of those who conduct or engage in the experiment.
- During the course of the experiment, the human subject should be at liberty to bring the experiment to an end, if he has reached the physical or mental state, where continuation of the experiment seemed to him to be impossible.
- During the course of the experiment, the scientist in charge must be prepared to terminate the experiment at any stage, if he has probable cause to believe, in the exercise of the good faith, superior skill and careful judgement required of him, that a continuation of the experiment is likely to result in injury, disability, or death to the experimental subject.
Catherine J Frompovich (website) is a retired natural nutritionist who earned advanced degrees in Nutrition and Holistic Health Sciences, Certification in Orthomolecular Theory and Practice plus Paralegal Studies. Her work has been published in national and airline magazines since the early 1980s. Catherine authored numerous books on health issues along with co-authoring papers and monographs with physicians, nurses, and holistic healthcare professionals. She has been a consumer healthcare researcher 35 years and counting.
Catherine’s latest book, published October 4, 2013, is Vaccination Voodoo, What YOU Don’t Know About Vaccines, available on Amazon.com.
Her 2012 book A Cancer Answer, Holistic BREAST Cancer Management, A Guide to Effective & Non-Toxic Treatments, is available on Amazon.com and as a Kindle eBook.
Two of Catherine’s more recent books on Amazon.com are Our Chemical Lives And The Hijacking Of Our DNA, A Probe Into What’s Probably Making Us Sick(2009) and Lord, How Can I Make It Through Grieving My Loss, An Inspirational Guide Through the Grieving Process (2008)
Catherine’s NEW book: Eat To Beat Disease, Foods Medicinal Qualities ©2016Catherine J Frompovich is now available
The ongoing global geoengineering assault has long since inflicted catastrophic and irreparable damage to the biosphere, climate, and life support systems of our planet (along with countless other forms of anthropogenic activity). It is truly incomprehensible that such blatantly obvious “climate intervention” programs can be carried out in skies all over the world, in plain site (for over 70 years), and still be officially denied.
Geoengineered skies, Clarksville, Tennessee. Photo credit: Brandy Glick
Though all former US administrations at least publicly pretended to care about the environment (while carrying out business as usual behind the scenes), the Trump administration doesn’t even go that far. The excerpts below were taken from a new UK Guardian article titled “Trump Presidency Opens Door To Planet-Hacking Geoengineering Experiments”
Harvard engineers who launched the world’s biggest solar geoengineering research program may get a dangerous boost from Donald Trump, environmental organizations are warning.
Under the Trump administration, enthusiasm appears to be growing for the controversial technology of solar geo-engineering, which aims to spray sulphate particles into the atmosphere to reflect the sun’s radiation back to space and decrease the temperature of Earth.
What is the true agenda of the weather warfare insanity being carried out in our skies? What are the ultimate objectives? Why would the Trump administration enthusiastically embrace, promote, and back geoengineering/climate intervention programs given the fact that Donald Trump and most of his appointees patently deny that there is any global warming in the first place? More excerpts from the Guardian article are below.
While geoengineering received little favour under Obama, high-level officials within the Trump administration have been long-time advocates for planetary-scale manipulation of Earth systems.
David Schnare, an architect of Trump’s Environmental Protection Agency transition, has lobbied the US government and testified to Senate in favour of federal support for geoengineering.
“Clearly parts of the Trump administration are very willing to open the door to reckless schemes like David Keith’s, and may well have quietly given the nod to open-air experiments,” said Silvia Riberio, with technology watchdog ETC Group. “Worryingly, geoengineering may emerge as this administration’s preferred approach to global warming. In their view, building a big beautiful wall of sulphate in the sky could be a perfect excuse to allow uncontrolled fossil fuel extraction. We need to be focussing on radical emissions cuts, not dangerous and unjust technofixes.”
GeoengineeringWatch.org billboard on I-80 near Elko, Nevada (3/20/17). Photo credit: Steve Small
… former House speaker and Trump confidant Newt Gingrich was one of the first to start publicly advocating for geoengineering.
“Geoengineering holds forth the promise of addressing global warming concerns for just a few billion dollars a year,” he said in 2008, before helping launch a geoengineering unit while he ran the right-wing think tank American Economic Enterprise. “We would have an option to address global warming by rewarding scientific innovation. Bring on American ingenuity. Stop the green pig.”
Geoengineered skies, Hampstead, North Carolina. Photo credit: Sheen Perkins
US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has also appeared to support geoengineering, describing climate change as an “engineering problem.” ExxonMobil’s funding of the climate denial industry is under investigation by attorney generals in the United States, but it’s less well known that ExxonMobil scientists under Tillerson’s reign as CEO were leading developers of geo-engineering technologies
Asked about solutions to climate change at an ExxonMobil shareholder meeting in 2015, Tillerson said that a “plan B has always been grounded in our beliefs around the continued evolution of technology and engineered solutions.”
The ongoing atmospheric particulate (SRM) spraying is undeniable as film footage proves.
Geoengineers argue that such methods would be an inexpensive way to reduce global warming, but scientists have warned it could have catastrophic consequences for the Earth’s weather systems.
Scientific modeling has shown that stratospheric spraying could drastically curtail rainfall throughout Asia, Africa and South America, causing severe droughts and threatening food supply for billions of people.
Climate engineering is not a “proposal”, it has long since been a lethal reality. This reality cannot be hidden in plain site for much longer as the cataclysmic consequences from the ongoing climate engineering / weather warfare assault manifest in every conceivable way. All of us are needed and essential in the most critical battle to fully expose the geoengineering insanity. If we can expose it, we can stop it, make your voice heard.
May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to GeoengineeringWatch.org and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.
23rd April 2016 – Global March against Geoengineering and Climate Manipulation
In the context of the Global March against Geoengineering and Climate Manipulation, the Enouranois group is organizing a function with screening of videos followed by discussion. We will be placing emphasis on the pioneering role that has been played by the Cyprus Greens in parliamentary and social action against the threat of 1) climate manipulation 2) climate speculation 3) climate warfare.
The function will be held on Saturday 23rd April at the AITION cafeteria, Tziraion 8-10, Makrigianni (near Acropolis metro station).
The screenings will commence at 4.00 p.m.
Γεωμηχανική και Κλιματική Αλλαγή // Climate Change & Geoengineering
Μια εξέταση των παγκόσμιων αεροψεκασμών υπό το πρίσμα του «τέλους του Ψυχρού Πολέμου».
(ελληνικοί υπότιτλοι διαθέσιμοι).
Άρθρο Κλιματική Αλλαγή και Γεωμηχανική στο blog ΨΕΚΑΣΜΑΤΑ
Η τοποθέτηση της ομάδας Ενουρανοίς σχετικά με τη Γεωμηχανική.
Το κείμενο αυτό ετοιμάστηκε ως εισαγωγή σε συζήτηση (στο κανάλι VMedia) με το ελληνικό τμήμα της οργάνωσης Greenpeace. Διατυπώθηκε προσεχτικά έτσι ώστε να μην προσβάλλει κανένα από τα γνωστά “ταμπού” της Greenpeace: δεν γίνονται αναφορές σε chemtrails/contrails, σε θεωρίες συνωμοσίας, στη Νέα Παγκόσμια Τάξη, στους Πεφωτισμένους ή στην Ατζέντα 21. Δεν προβάλλει θέσεις σκεπτικισμού όσον αφορά τις ανθρωπογενείς κλιματικές αλλαγές. Ο στόχος ήταν να διερευνηθεί που ακριβώς η Greenpeace θα μπορούσε να διαφωνεί με τέτοια τοποθέτηση της ομάδας Enouranois, αφού αυτή η διεθνή οικολογική οργάνωση δηλώνει αντίθετη στις περισσότερες μορφές της γεωμηχανικής. Πράγματι, ο αρμόδιος για το κλίμα της ελληνικής οργάνωσης Greenpeace δεν βρήκε κανένα αμφισβητήσιμο σημείο στο κείμενο.
Τελικά όμως πήρε οδηγία να μας εξηγήσει ότι η Greenpeace, παρόλο που αντιτίθεται στη γεωμηχανική, δεν σκοπεύει να συμμετέχει σε δημόσιο διάλογο για το θέμα.
Άρθρο Η Greenpeace αρνείται τον δημόσιο διάλογο για τη γεωμηχανική στο blog ΨΕΚΑΣΜΑΤΑ
ENGLISH VERSION οf above video
The position of the Enouranois group on geoengineering.
This presentation was prepared as introduction to a discussion (on the VMedia channel) with the Greek section of Greenpeace. It was formulated carefully so as not to offend any of the familiar “taboos” of Greenpeace. There were no references to chemtrails/contrails, to conspiracy theories, to the New World Order, to the Illuminati, to Agenda 21. The presentation does not promote anthropogenic climate change skepticism. The objective was to determine where exactly Greenpeace could disagree with the formulation of the Enouranois group, given that this international ecological organization declares itself opposed to most forms of geoengineering. In fact the person responsible for climate change issues at the Greek Greenpeace could not find any point of disagreement with the text.
But in the end he explained, evidently on instruction, that although Greenpeace is opposed to geoengineering, it does not propose to enter into public discussion of the subject.
Links to the article on American websites:
Greenpeace in Greece mum on geoengineering