Geoengineering or climate manipulation?


Specifically, geoengineering is intervention in climatological conditions with the assistance of technology. The most recent, in the last twenty years, version of geoengineering has to do with the development of techniques for diminishing the effects on the Earth’s climate of the increase in greenhouse gases. Various projects are promoted within the framework of geoengineering, such as the well-known plan for aerial spraying with particles of aluminium and barium, which appear in the sky in the form of suspicious-looking clouds, familiarly known as chemtrails. According to ‘The Guardian” newspaper, the CIA ad NASA have already funded relevant research and the University of Cambridge regularly organizes relevant seminars.

(N.B. The activist organization Skyguards, and specifically Josefina Fraile, unequivocally rejects employment of the term “chemtrails”.)


It was perhaps inevitable that we should embark on our course in a back-to-front way, that is to say, not starting from the essence but instead from the appearance, from the signs in the sky. The activity of the other side, the opponent, had naturally been inaugurated not with declarations or announcements but with the presentation of unexplained and unadmitted changes in the skyscape that we had grown accustomed to regard as normal. So how would it have been possible for us to do other than react reflexively, with exhortations to “look at the sky”?

At the time when my first observations were recorded, in December 2002, what concerned me was how far the aircraft emissions I saw spreading out over my head could be seen as something unexceptional. I tried to resolve my doubts through dialogue with American activists on the “Chemtrails Central” forum and it was there that I first heard of the Greek scientist Nikos Katsaros, whom one of the Americans had just seen on television, talking about the spraying. Before long I had made the acquaintance of Dr. Katsaros.


Another acquaintance, this time with the former parliamentarian of the Greek Ecologists-Alternatives Tasia Andreadaki made it possible to attract the attention of the “Ethnos on Sunday” newspaper to the bizarre appearance of the sky. The subsequent publication of a number of articles in “Ethnos on Sunday” induced the then municipal councilor and later deputy mayor Nektarios Koukoulis to make to the then and future mayor Dimitrios Mourtzis a presentation which persuaded the municipality of Aegina to initiate legal proceedings against “any parties responsible for the phenomenon in question”.



Not long afterwards, on 16th July 2003 Europe’s first public meeting against the clandestine spraying was held in Aegina.


Following establishment of the Enouranois webpage, in the years that followed, we tried to attract an audience by participating in the mobilizations against climate change. But we soon discovered that we were marginalized as soon as we made any attempt to speak about the appearance of the sky.

Here you see us with our banners saying “SPRAYING FROM AIRCRAFT IS NOT AN ANSWER TO CLIMATE CHANGE”, on the Day of Action against Climate Change, at Syntagma Square in Athens, in December 2007, lost in the crowd at a mass demonstration, essentially talking to ourselves.


Given all this, when in 2009 we made the acquaintance of the ETC group, we acquired a new confidence. It was the time of the Climategate scandal that preceded the Copenhagen Climate Summit and contributed to its failure. The ETC group were opponents of geoengineering – i.e. of climate manipulation – and people were clearly not ignoring them as ostentatiously as they were ignoring us. Shortly after, in 2010, in Nagoya, Japan, at the UN’s meeting on Biodiversity, the ETC group managed to secure a moratorium on most types of geoengineering.


Head of the ETC group is the Canadian Pat Mooney. I am going to play some extracts from an interview with him we took at that time. Before we proceed let us examine some material that formed the subject matter of our discussion. We begin with some scenes from an EU public relations film on its plan for extending emissions trading to aviation. After that we will see part of a BBC documentary on the effect of aircraft emissions on the temperature of the planet.


These statements by Pat Mooney that we have just seen naturally also undermine his own credibility as a scientist, but this is something that does not seem to bother him particularly given his commitment to the ETC group approach on account of the seriousness of the threat from geoengineering. What are its consequences? Destruction of the ozone layer, disruption of the hydrological cycle, poisoning and sterilization of land and water. Die-off of forests and the fauna in them. This is to leave out of account the fibres that have been found in rain water, following spraying, in Europe and the USA and have been analysed by Clifford Carnicom, who uncovered links to Morgellons disease.

Pat Mooney wants the Nagoya moratorium to make governments recognize geoengineering as a problem. However legitimate that aspiration, it leaves entirely out of account the fact that geoengineering is not a hypothetical theoretical problem but a well entrenched global reality.

What is positive about the ETC Group approach, which is shared by e.g. Naomi Klein, is that it gets us away from the sterile contrails/chemtrails dispute that is dictated by the strictly policed official line according to which all phenomena seen in the sky are the product of conventional jet aircraft movements. This leads the discussion in the direction of climate manipulation, its past history and future prospects. Mr. Katsaros, who participates in all activist initiatives in Greece against geoengineering, sees the ETC Group approach as acceptable because, as he says, it is opposed to geoengineering. Personally I am more inclined to favour the more uncompromising approach of the Cyprus Greens whose conviction that the chemical spraying is in fact occurring induces them to persist in rejecting the placatory official assurances that relegate goengineering to a hypothetical future.

The stance of the Cyprus government, which accepts the dialogue that other governments avoid and in that sense is significantly bolder, essentially does not diverge very much from the international norm, at least up to the present. (Given the developments of 17th February 2016 in Cyprus, this assessment may have been invalidated.) Of course there are many different avoidance strategies. Some are notably inventive. Let us take, for example, this sui generis avoidance strategy that was discovered by the French film-maker Patrick Pasin when he interviewed the Green politician Daniel Cohn-Bendit.


What is the confusion? It is the conflating of the chemtrails/contrails dispute with the dispute between sceptics and climate change activists.

What is the common element in these examples of distortion and dishonesty? They induce intellectual paralysis, revulsion against the whole subject both of the spraying and of climate change. If solar radiation management as a means of mitigating anthropogenic global warming was an invention of the nuclear weapons laboratories, if aircraft emissions, which are seen by the European Commission as contributors to global warming, are nevertheless recommended by geoengineers as an appropriate way to cool the planet, if Cohn-Bendit declares himself unqualified to intervene in disputes between scientists when asked to take a position on the subject of the existence or non-existence of chemtrails, but at the same time does not hesitate for a second to plunge aggressively into the climate change dispute, on the side of the non-sceptics, then the conclusion must be that at least on these issues scientific integrity has been lost.

Let us continue our narrative on resistance to climate manipulation. In 2010 a symposium was organized by the Belfort Group in Ghent, Belgium. The Belfort Group symposium was the first tangible evidence of the existence of an international movement against the global phenomenon of the spraying that was being kept entirely outside of official politics and the mainstream media, everywhere in the world.


The key focus of discussion at the Ghent symposium was the Case Orange report , which targeted the physical characteristics of so-called “normal” aircraft emissions, arguing in favour of a conceptual distinction between them and the deliberate spraying that concerned the participants. The fact that a systematic and total suppression of this distinction was, and remains, possible, is something that probably strains credibility for the majority of people.


Another characteristic of the Case Orange report is that it was in petitioning mode. It made an appeal to the established authorities to face up to their responsibilities, towards public health, towards all higher forms of life. In pursuit of this objective the Belfort Group sent the report to the embassies of all major countries, to all the relevant ministries, to all the mainstream media. They received absolutely no response from anybody.


During this same period the parliamentarian of the Cyprus Greens George Perdikis made two relevant visits to Greece. The first took place in 2012, on the occasion of the conference of European Green parties in Athens. Mr. Perdikis noted the fact that decision makers in the Greens generally doubt the credibility of activists against climate manipulation who speak of deliberate aerial spraying on a global scale. He cited as evidence of the existence of clandestine spraying the fact that on the day of a general strike, when all commercial flights were suspended, the spraying planes continued their activity uninterrupted. He also said that this point was also made by a number of Cypriot air traffic controllers and members of the National Guard. Even if this fell short of being conclusive evidence, Mr. Perdikis believes that the rule to be applied in such cases is the precautionary principle. He does not wait for 100% proof that what is said about the spraying is true. Let the authorities prove that it is not true.


On his second visit in 2014 Mr. Perdikis spoke, along with the deputy mayor Nektarios Koukoulis, in Aegina’s municipal theatre.


He also had the chance to meet Mr. Mourtzis, the re-elected new mayor who in 2003 had been the first elected politician in Europe to attempt to take legal action against “any parties responsible for conducting dangerous aerial spraying over Aegina in the context of experiments for dealing with the greenhouse phenomenon”.


One important development had in the meantime taken place, in 2013, when the Spanish Green activist Josefina Fraile, in collaboration with the former European parliamentarian Giulietto Chiesa and the Latvian Europarliamentarian Tatiana Zdanoka, succeeded in organizing a two-day conference entitled “Beyond theories of climate change – Civil Society against Geoengineering”. Linda Leblanc, municipal councilor and member of the Cyprus Greens, participated in the conference, presenting the report “Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering”.


Michael Murphy’s second climate manipulation film “Why in the World are they Spraying” was screened at the conference. In contrast to Michael’s first relevant film “What in the World are they Spraying”, this work remains to date without Greek subtitles. At the end of the conference a petition was drafted for submission to the European Parliament’s Committee on Petitions and a year later received an answer:

Dear Ms Fraile Martin,

I would like to inform you that the Committee on Petitions considered your petition and and decided that the issues that you raise are admissible in accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the European Parliament, insofar as the subject matter falls within the sphere of activities of the European Union.

The committee began its examination of your petition and decided to ask the European Commission to conduct a preliminary investigation of the various aspects of the problem. The committee will continue its examination of your petition as soon as it is in receipt of the necessary information.

I will keep you informed of any further action taken on your petition in due course.

Yours sincerely,

Erminia Mazzoni,
Committee on Petitions

The committee has not shown any particular inclination to proceed any further beyond this point. The response does however have some value as an aid in undermining the positions of those who seek to slander us as promoters of conspiratorial speculation.

The most notable development of the last two years in relation to our thematics is doubtless Dr. Herndon’s research leading him to the conclusion that the basic material employed in the spraying is coal fly ash. The Enouranois group organized a meeting in Athens to investigate this assertion. The videoed discussion was presented at a workshop in the framework of the civil society component of the COP21 Climate Conference in Paris last December.


We presented our conclusions from Paris at a meeting of the Hellenic American Democratic Association in Athens.


The essential point to be made is that a climate of disillusion has clearly set in in the activist milieu in the wake of COP21. Naomi Klein said that “Only the multinational corporations are listened to at the UN Climate Conference. We knew that the Conference would be funded more than at any other time by the multinationals. The Conference is a victim of austerity. There should at least be a dialogue between the solutions proposed by the multinationals and the solutions proposed by the popular movements, but only one side was given a megaphone and the other side was marginalized and restricted.”

The discontent was also expressed by the rank and file of the CoalitionClimat21 movement. The German activist Tadzio Mueller said: “Whatever your position vis-à-vis the Accord is, whether you consider it a historic step forward, or a depressing attempt to kick the can down the road that confines millions to hunger and destitution, what we have said from the very beginning, since our very first meeting in Paris in August of 2014, continues to be true: the real work was not done in Paris, the real work is only beginning, and it is up to us to make sure that it is done.”

It is very easy to give pep talks of this kind. The fact is that the climate has changed inside the movement. We no longer see the routine censorship of Enouranois positions, either by CoalitionClimat21 or by citizens’ movement such as ATTAC. What are these positions? As we wrote in the Enouranois Proposal to CoalitionClimat21: “The real work does not have to be focused on ‘climate change’. An alternative focus can be put forward, such as opposition to TTIP/TPP and opposition to climate manipulation.” The desideratum is that activists against climate manipulation should not be confused with conventional climate change sceptics, most of whom do not recognize as a reality the global spraying programme that is being conducted over our heads. The geoengineering technique of solar radiation management is the brainchild of Freeman Dyson and Edward Teller, both nuclear weapons protagonists and both climate change sceptics. Climate manipulation dates back to the time of Eisenhower, decades before the passage, following the US defeat in Vietnam, of the ENMOD agreement which banned climate manipulation for aggressive purposes and so set the stage for the establishment of the IPCC and the discovery of “climate change”. We should make it clear that what we reject is not one side of conventional debate on climate. It is the discussion on climate as a whole, both sides of it, in the way that it is now conducted.

What has made it possible for the climate movement’s concerns to be instrumentalized and exploited is the way that the central problem has been projected as “climate change”. One could not advocate nuclear energy as a solution to climate manipulation, but it has been, and is being, presented as a solution to climate change. (The slogan “don’t nuke the climate” is a plaintive appeal launched on the territory of “the other side”, destined to remain as unheeded as were the anti-nuclear-weapons appeals of the 80s.)


One could not advocate genetic modification as a solution to climate manipulation, but it has been, and is being, presented as a way to help “deal with climate change”. One could not advocate emissions trading as a way to deal with climate manipulation, but it has been, and is being, presented as a way to deal with climate change. One could not advocate geoengineering as a way to deal with climate manipulation, because it IS climate manipulation, but it is being recommended, and implemented, as a “way to deal with climate change”.


23rd April 2016 has been programmed as the day of the International March against Climate Manipulation and Geoengineering. We have participated in the past in climate marches but our proposal this time should be for us to transform them into mobilizations against climate manipulation, and perhaps also against TTIP, which is pervaded by the same secrecy and serves the same kinds of objective. Let us make a serious attempt to free the popular movement from the paralyzing and misIeading agenda of the speculators and warmongers of climate change. Not as sceptics but as ecologists.



The public meeting against TTIP that was held in Aegina on 12th February makes a good starting point for the extension into our region, and into your region, of the already existing network of TTIP-free zones. Within this framework we could further introduce our own specific more radical demands for bans on climate manipulation.


On 10th February, together with Nikos Katsaros, we visited the offices of the Popular Unity party and spoke with its president Mr. Panagiotis Lafazanis. Like almost all politicians, and not only politicians, Mr. Lafazanis refused to believe the idea that a clandestine global spraying programme could be under implementation. He did however agree to assign at least one of the cadres of his party to participate in the discussions of the Enouranois group. We proceed on the basis of the understanding that this commitment is going to be honoured.

Finally, let us remember Michael Murphy’s programmed third film on climate manipulation, “An Unconventional Grey”. Apart from the need for translation of the subtitles of his second film “Why in the World are they Spraying?” we should be ready to promote the third film also, given that it will be of the quality that we are expecting.

(Presented on 17th February 2016 at the AXIOTHEA Hotel in Pafos, Cyprus)




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Letter to Cyprus Mail editor – Debunking the debunker (plus discussion)

Debunking the debunker: with deleted passages restored

Applying the Occam’s Razor Principle

Link: Australia Cuts 110 Climate Scientist Jobs

Australia, the dryest nation on earth, will focus on climate adaptation instead of science.
Tim J Keegan/Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0

Source: Scientific American

With an ax rather than a scalpel, Australia’s federal science agency last week chopped off its climate research arm in a decision that has stunned scientists and left employees dispirited.

As many as 110 out of 140 positions at the atmosphere and oceans division at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) will be cut, Larry Marshall, the agency’s chief executive, told staff Friday. Another 120 positions will be cut from the land and water program. Across the agency, 350 climate staff will be moved into new roles unrelated to their specialty.

Scientists say the cuts would affect Australia’s ability to cope with climate change. The nation is already the driest on Earth and experiencing significant shifts in rainfall. It would leave the global research community disabled, since CSIRO ran the Southern Hemisphere’s most comprehensive Earth monitoring and modeling programs. And it would leave young climate scientists at CSIRO without direction.

“I’m saddened for climate science itself, for services to Australia, and particularly for the younger scientists who are just starting to make their mark in this important area,” said John Church, an oceanographer at CSIRO and a world-renowned expert on sea-level rise.

Another CSIRO scientist termed the situation “depressing.” Most CSIRO scientists requested anonymity, since employees cannot discuss government policies under the terms of their contracts.

“The situation is very bad here,” the scientist said. “Eighty percent of our climate capability will be gone; it is clear that climate modeling will be cut completely.”

CSRIO is a federally funded research agency akin to NASA in the United States. Its climate change program is the largest in the nation and the most advanced in the Southern Hemisphere, a part of the world that is 80 percent ocean and is home to 12 percent of the world’s population. The bottom half of the planet has historically been understudied, a problem because gaps in monitoring the Southern Hemisphere mean gaps in understanding the global climate. CSIRO began filling in some gaps in the 1970s.

“This is not about just Australia,” another CSIRO scientist said. “Australia plays a very important role in measurements in the Southern Hemisphere.”

Fate of CO2 records unknown
In southwest Tasmania, at Cape Grim, CSIRO scientists have collected continuous readings of carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere since the 1970s. The CO2 record, together with readings from Mauna Loa, Hawaii, and Barrow, Alaska, are a confirmation of humanity’s dominion over the climate. It is unclear if these measurements will continue, Church of CSIRO said.

The only other detailed long-term CO2 record in the Southern Hemisphere is from the South Pole, said Ralph Keeling, an atmospheric scientist at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California, San Diego, who oversees the Mauna Loa CO2 monitoring station.

“It is mind-boggling,” Keeling said. “The Cape Grim observatory is a premier site, which is sustaining some of the most important long-term records of climate that exist on the planet.”

Also in danger, Church said, are long-term observations of ocean, atmosphere and weather processes in the Southern Hemisphere. These are used to refine global climate models, which are algorithmic representations of the planet’s climate.

CSIRO’s scientists began building theirs in 1981 and have honed it to represent the Southern Hemisphere and Australia’s climate at particularly high resolution. There are two dozen other climate models, developed in the United States and Europe, but they have a Northern Hemisphere focus.

When scientists want to know if an extreme weather event, such as heat waves, would become more frequent in Australia with climate change, they query models. These project which parts of Australia would likely be affected in a warmer world. CSIRO’s climate modeling program will be cut.

“Australia is ground zero for climate change,” a CSIRO scientist said. “In order to adapt, you need climate models that are going to tell us what you need to adapt to, where you need to adapt, and by when you need to adapt.”

Settled science?
CSIRO’s climate programs have been in trouble since at least May 2014, when the then-conservative government cut the agency’s budget by $111 million. Almost 1,000 positions were eliminated, including in the climate departments.

Marshall, a Silicon Valley entrepreneur, became CSIRO’s CEO in Jan. 2015 and immediately announced that CSIRO would focus on innovation over basic science. Marshall and CSIRO representatives did not respond to ClimateWire’s request for comment by deadline.

When Malcolm Turnbull became Australia’s prime minister in September last year, replacing a pro-energy predecessor, environmentalists rejoiced. But Turnbull’s government has also emphasized science that can be easily commercialized, according to media reports.

In December, CSIRO’s management audited the atmosphere and oceans program for its commercial potential.

“We were having a hard time in demonstrating the capacity to be commercially valuable,” one CSIRO scientist said. “Not that climate science can’t demonstrate incredible economic value to society by helping to adapt and reduce damages and risks, but that’s not the kind of economics that the new CEO and the government is going after.”

The internal assessment was that perhaps dozens of jobs might be at risk, the scientist said.

On Feb. 3, Marshall wrote in a memo that CSIRO would henceforth focus on commercially viable projects. The next day, during a staff meeting, he said all climate change programs would be cut. Staff would be transferred into other programs, so there would not be job losses, he said.

Marshall wrote in the memo that climate change is now settled science, and basic research is no longer needed.

“The question has been answered, and the new question is what do we do about it, and how can we find solutions for the climate we will be living with,” he wrote.

CSIRO would now focus on a path where “climate and industry can be partners, now we must walk that path to prove our science.”

‘Business first’
Climate scientists rebuked Marshall’s understanding of climate change science and its importance.

Church said that the work at CSIRO is critical to understanding the climate change agreement that nations signed in Paris last year. While it is now certain that humans are altering the planet, scientists are still coloring in the shapes of the changes to come, he said.

“What do the targets from the Paris agreement mean? What do they mean regionally? Are we on track for these targets, or in fact, are we going to end up at some higher level? Are countries actually reporting emissions correctly?”

The reorganization was an internal CSIRO decision, and Turnbull and his staff were unaware of the decision, according to The Sydney Morning Herald. But since CSIRO is a government-funded agency, the events may affect how Australia is perceived globally, said Erwin Jackson, deputy CEO of the Climate Institute.

“It doesn’t help the perception that the government isn’t serious about climate change,” he said. “If we want a good policy outcome that protects people, communities and our economy, then we need to be revaluating and ensuring that we have the capacity to understand and manage climate change risks.”

Marshall has said that no one would be fired and the staff would be redistributed. Parallels could be drawn to the shutdown of CSIRO’s sustainable ecosystems division in 2009. About 50 social scientists were moved into an unrelated division headed by an insect expert. The economist, Clive Spash, is now at the Vienna University of Economics and Business.

“Climate science becomes secondary to business; business comes first,” Spash said. “The interests of the corporate sector, of the mining and resource extraction industry, are primary in Australia.”

Reprinted from Climatewire with permission from Environment & Energy Publishing, LLC., 202-628-6500

“An Unconventional Shade of Grey” Greek Trailer

Ελληνικό τρέιλερ για την τρίτη ταινία του Michael Murphy.

Ελπίζουμε να μην έχει τη μοίρα της δεύτερης ταινίας του Μurphy “Γιατί στο καλό ψεκάζουν”, η οποία έμεινε χωρίς ελληνικούς υπότιτλους. Όποιος θέλει να προσφέρει χρηματική ενίσχυση μπορεί να κάνει κλικ εδώ.

Enouranois proposal to coalitionclimat21

This message was circulated on the coalitionclimat21 e-mail list.

I am not speaking as someone who participated in the debates of coalitionclimat21 activists in Paris. I was a participant in two workshops, both in collaboration with Josefina Fraile and Skyguards, on the subject of climate manipulation. But given that Tadzio Mueller in Berlin has drawn the coalitionclimat21 list’s attention to the existence of disagreements between the coalition’s activists, I wrote to him and he suggested I send my comments “to the whole list”. I did this, not really believing that they would be distributed, but perhaps hoping that they might be perceived as helpful by some in overcoming disagreements. They were not, initially, distributed.

What I wrote was this:  “The real work does not have to be focused on ‘climate change’. An alternative focus can be put forward, such as opposition to TTIP/TPP and opposition to climate manipulation. What about the idea of supporting the April 23rd Global March and making opposition to climate manipulation rather than to “climate change” the centre of attention??  At least then we could be spared the disagreements about whether COP21 was a historic step forward or “a depressing attempt to kick the can down the road,” to quote Tadzio Mueller.

The following is the gist of what I have to say, or ask: Could these disagreements between climate activists have  anything to do with the way that the climate change debate has been instrumentalized to strengthen the position of the lobbies pushing nuclear energy, genetically modified foodstuffs, emissions trading, geoengineering etc. etc. etc.?

I have been discussing these post-COP21 developments with other activists against climate manipulation. Many of them are climate change “sceptics”, and I received this feedback from a certain “NP”.  “Policy is being passed in many countries to view Climate Change deniers as potential terrorists!!! It’s becoming a thought crime now. How dare we disconnect from that Mass Media indoctrination machine & think for ourselves!!! Yes climate is changing because these evil, secret, corporate groups are messing with our climate chemically.”

This was my reply:  “The desideratum is to avoid being confused with conventional climate change deniers, most of whom do not acknowledge the global reality of the spraying. We should make it clear that we reject the climate debate as a whole, both sides of it. The sceptics are the more Machiavellian and evil side. Solar radiation management as an ‘answer to climate change’ is the brainchild of Freeman Dyson and later Edward Teller, both of them nuclear weapons protagonists and climate change sceptics. Climate manipulation dates back to the Eisenhower era, decades before the passage (after the US defeat in Vietnam) of the ENMOD legislation  (three cheers for the unsung hero Senator Pell) the outlawing of climate manipulation “for aggressive purposes” and the subsequent clandestination of what had previously been done openly, followed by establishment of the IPCC and discovery of “climate change”.

The point is this: it has been possible to instrumentalize the climate movement’s concerns because of the way that the central problem has been projected as “climate change”. One could not advocate nuclear energy as a solution to climate manipulation, but it has been, and is being, presented as a solution to climate change. (The slogan “don’t nuke the climate” is a plaintive appeal launched on the territory of “the other side”, destined to remain as unheeded as were the anti-nuclear-weapons appeals of the 80s.) One could not advocate genetic modification as a solution to climate manipulation, but it has been, and is being, presented as a way to help “deal with climate change”. One could not advocate emissions trading as a way to deal with climate manipulation, but it has been, and is being, presented as a way to deal with climate change. One could not advocate geoengineering as a way to deal with climate manipulation, because it IS climate manipulation, but it is being recommended, and implemented, as a “way to deal with climate change”.

The Enouranois proposal that coalitionclimat21 activists should participate in the April 23rd Global March against geoengineering and climate manipulation is a serious proposal. Skyguards would like the word “chemtrails” not to be in title for the march and this is a request we endorse.

W. Hall, for



Enouranois: It would be good for the climate manipulation issue to be separated entirely from the divisive and disingenuous climate change controversy, which should be left to “the scientists”. If climate manipulation has to be linked to something else (and perhaps it should be) why not link it to TTIP, another sinister project emanating from the same centres and less divisive than climate change.







Did we get the wording wrong? Not “Κλιματική Χειραγώγηση – Όχι ευχαριστώ” but “Κλιματική Τροποποίηση – ‘Οχι ευχαριστώ”? Α number of people on the demonstration misinterpreted what we meant. They thought we were saying that THEY were being manipulated, not that the climate was being manipulated. This led them to mistake us for conventional climate change sceptics.
Λανθασμένη διατύπωση.’Οχι “Κλιματική Χειραγώγηση – Όχι ευχαριστώ” αλλά “Κλιματική Τροποποίηση – ‘Οχι ευχαριστώ”. Μερικοί διαδηλωτές παρερμήνευσαν αυτό που εννοούσαμε. Νόμιζαν ότι λέγαμε ότι ΑΥΤΟΙ χειραγωγούνται, όχι το κλίμα, Έτσι μας μπέρδεψαν με τους συμβατικούς αρνητές των κλιματικών αλλαγών.


Enouranois leaflet


The Enouranois group is investigating the allegations of the American scientist J. Marvin Herndon


that the atmosphere of the earth is being sprayed secretly with  material derived from the fly ash discharged by coal-burning power stations

In response to these allegations, the administrators of the declare: “This is ridiculous. The ash from Greek lignite goes has for years gone into producing cement… If anyone believes that cement manufacturers would allow a material they are supplied with virtually free to be “sprayed” from the sky, then for sure we are threatened by mass psychosis. Unfortunately, as it seems, the Enouranois group has no clue about what happens to fly ash and confuses Greece with America, danger-mongering for no reason.”

So there.

What does the Greek Lignite blogspot have to say about the upcoming UN Climate Change Conference?

At the end of the month the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP21) will be launched in Paris. Under the predominant – in the Western world – ideology of “anthropogenic global warming” there will be an attempt to impose on other countries even more wind farms and photovoltaics, so that there can continue to be “green” workplaces in industrial countries.

December will be winter in Paris and it will be very interesting to see how the weather will be, given that meteorologists predict that this year’s El Niño will be the strongest of recent decades. I haven’t seen any prediction for France but on the other side of the Channel in Britain they are already preparing themselves for a very heavy winter! How different is it going to be in Northern France?

With one of the worst El Niños, early October snows, low temperatures, problems with transport, deaths from the cold, some “global warming” may well be welcome. And it will be very interesting to see if in the first ten days in Paris they should happen to be discussing “global warming” in the midst of some snowstorm or unusually low temperatures. And it will be even more pleasant if one of the airports should happen be closed by the snow, at the beginning or end of the Conference…”

It seems that Greek Lignite blogspot is not aware that the other side of these low temperatures at temperate latitudes is exceptionally high temperatures in the Arctic. In the winter of 2014 average temperatures in Texas were lower than at the North Pole. Temperatures in Alaska were twenty degrees lower than normal, whereas in the mainland United States temperatures were twenty degrees higher than normal.

According to the American activist Dane Wigington of the Geoengineering Watch website, these phenomena are not due to climate change but to climate modification. Through the application of aerial spraying and directed energy the jetstream is being diverted so that, apart from the short-term economic benefits of warming the Arctic, there is also the benefit of generating political confusion, i.e. reinforcing the sceptics’ (and Greek Lignite’s) view that global warming is a fraud. This is what is argued by Dane Wigington.

It is easy to understand why Greeklignite blogspot should be dismissive of the idea of coal ash being sprayed in the atmosphere. But why are the opponents of lignite so totally against investigating allegations so incriminating for the defenders of generating electricity in this way? Why are they not interested in knowing whether the supporters of lignite are really complicit in such indescribably outrageous practices? Particularly when climate activists are so much more uniformly opposed to lignite than they are, say, to nuclear energy!!!

These are questions which – we hope – Enouranois will be raising in Paris.



Video: Related VMedia discussion with Christos Kotsireas

Nuclear Chemist Publishes Paper Detailing: “Aluminum Poisoning of Humanity via Geoengineering”

Dialogue on Fly Ash and Geoengineering

Richard Sacks
Saturday, December 12, 2015

On the fly ash issue, I worked for years with fly ash, and for this reason and others I don’t think this is what’s being sprayed on us.

Wayne Hall
Sunday, December 13, 2015

I would like more information on this (fly ash), because your view is also the view of Dr. Katsaros.


Sunday, December 13, 2015

My feeling that fly ash is not what is being sprayed on us is mainly for a few reasons.  First of all, being very familiar with fly ash first hand, what residue from it looks like and somewhat with its chemical profile, I don’t think it fits what is being found in tests of soil, water and air.  Also Carnicom has found dried blood and other biological components have been added to the mix, which are certainly not from fly ash.  In addition, Kristen Megan the air force whistle blower has reported tanks of aluminum dioxide and the other metals in the spray being loaded onto the tankers in pure form, not as fly ash.  I think it’s a much more sophisticated list of recipes being used, definitely multiple mixes, each used for a different application, judging by the differing effects in different places. There are also a few people who can smell and taste the spray residue and are sensitive enough to detect the difference in the recipes as they fall to Earth.  Fly ash doesn’t smell anything like what they are reporting.

J. Marvin Herndon
Sunday, December 13, 2015

Aluminum, barium, and strontium were first identified in rainwater tests. I have identified 8 elements, including those three, in rainwater samples I took; their relative amounts match quite well corresponding amounts determined in the water extract of coal fly ash. There is a comparable agreement for 14 elements between dust collected with high-efficiency air filters and coal fly ash samples:

I have unpublished results comparing 26 elements in a fibrous material with coal fly ash. In America, we have an expression, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck…..

The more one comes to understand, the better one becomes at uncovering disinformation. The CIA and military are happy with people believing that those three elements (Al, Ba, Sr) are being sprayed as oxides; the truth that the main ingredient is coal fly ash, (tens or hundreds of million tons of it), a toxic-nightmare, is the Achilles heel of the program. I suspect that Kristen Megan was either deceived about “tons” of those three elements or she is part of the disinformation team. (….) Coal fly ash differs somewhat in color and composition depending on the origin of its original coal. There may be different additives for specific purposes, but coal fly ash is a low cost fine-grained substance, readily available in mega-ton quantities from existing out-of-sight production facilities, that is ideal for weather modification: it holds heat in, retards rainfall, makes water droplets more electrically conducting: Ideal, if you have no conscience and no concern for humanity or for life on this planet.

(….) I have raised the bar. Those who object should publish those objections in the peer-reviewed scientific literature. That is the appropriate forum for discussion. The work I have done on that subject transcends the unfounded opinions that are common in Internet discussions. There is a concerted effort by professionals (CIA?) to discredit my work (and yours too, I’ll bet); there are others who simply do not understand, contributed in part from the absence of truth and the presence of untruth.

Sunday December 13, 2015

Well, it may be what is being used for the main bulk ingredient as you say.  It does fit the profile of an extremely toxic substance which I believe is the main characteristic our rulers at the top level are looking for.  I am just doing my best to learn more, as we all are, and am not out to defend my own impressions or theories, just to find out what is true.  This is way beyond anyone’s ego.  And yes it is true that coal ash is available in large quantity with no problem. Customizing recipes could be done with additional ingredients.  I wonder what Clifford Carnicom would think of the theory?  He has been on our show and is a serious researcher into the composition of the residue.  He found dry blood cells, and nanotech organisms not normally seen in nature.  His opinion would be interesting.

Whatever it is they are spraying, it would be good to stop it so there can be some chance of recovery.  Our rulers have no intention of doing what the people want, though, only trying to engineer public opinion by deception.  Their presence in positions of power is pretty much the key problem, and they don’t intend to leave.  They have already gamed this out, and expect us to come to the conclusion that we will see no option other than violent force.  But that would be suicide on our part, as it is the eventuality they expect.  We need a higher level of creativity.