The "Enouranois" website presents and analyses matters of current concern to do with our atmospheric environment.
Atmospheric pollution, the increase in the planet's average temperature and the "greenhouse" phenomenon have been occupying the scientific world and the international community for several decades. Certain measures have been taken globally (e.g. the Kyoto protocol) and numerous solutions have been put forward or are being researched with a view to retarding the 'greenhouse' phenomenon. Most of these solutions focus on the use of renewable energy sources (e.g. solar energy, wind energy, hydro-electric power, etc.). Such forms of energy do not burden the earth's atmosphere with the familiar pollution derived from the use of coal or oil-based fuels. In recent years new technologies have developed aimed at replacing or moderating the use of the internal combustion engine in transport. More generally, the ecological consequences of human activity and attempts to confront the related problems will be among the subjects with which this site proposes to deal.
But in its endeavour to investigate and inform, the 'Enouranois' website aims to put the bulk of its effort into more immediate and pressing concerns in our atmospheric environment. In particular, the site focuses on the following themes:
Artificial modification of climatic conditions
The use of 'geoengineering' to moderate the 'greenhouse' phenomenon
Large scale aerial spraying in the Americas, Europe, the Middle East (unrelated to the spraying of pesticides for agricultural purposes)
The experimental application of new military and other technologies exploiting and influencing the ionosphere and other levels of the upper atmosphere
Ecological, biological and geophysical consequences of experimentation in the upper atmosphere, as well as of lower-level spraying
"Knowledge is power", as our ancient forebears used to say and believe. Our objective is to inform and enlighten visitors to our website, in a responsible manner, with figures, with scientific documentation and also with realistic analysis and critical thinking.
At regular intervals we propose to evaluate the different interpretations and theories that have been propounded in relation to present-day atmospheric phenomena.
Our objective to sensitize a sizeable number of our fellow-citizens and motivate them to become active in support of the protection of our atmospheric environment and environmental heritage. This website will continue to make available the most up-to-date information on the subject of 'geoengineering', of aerial spraying and of experiments such as HAARP (High-frequency Active Auroral Research Project). A wealth of educational, scientific and photographic material will always be available to visitors to our website. You can contact us through the e-mail address: enouranois@gmail.com