Directed energy weapons
W. Hall Journées
d’Études, Toulouse, 19th June
Because I have only a few minutes to
say what I have to say I would like to point out that I see the discussion of
directed energy weapons as a discussion with the potential to strengthen the
anti-nuclear movement generally. Some terrible accusations are being made about
the role of directed energy weapons in the disaster that has occurred in
It is twenty-five years now since
directed energy weapons were a subject that was discussed in the anti-nuclear
movement as a whole. The discussion of the Star Wars Programme, also known as
the Strategic Defense Initiative, during the presidency of Ronald Reagan,
focused the attention of all of the anti-nuclear movement. The conclusion was
reached that the Star Wars proposals were unacceptably expensive and extremely
unlikely to be technologically feasible, if their purpose was to shoot down
ballistic missiles. Some Soviet commentators at that time raised the question of
whether the Star Wars programme might really have been conceived to serve some
other purpose, given that it was so impracticable
and implausible as an anti-missile programme.
With the failure of Ronald Reagan at
The book “The Shock Doctrine” by
Naomi Klein brought to the consciousness of the world the fact that natural
disasters, or disasters claimed to be natural, can bring enticing new prospects
for corporate profit and make possible political changes for the benefit of
international corporations. Although
Naomi Klein did not go so far as to make specific allegations of deliberate
disaster production there were others who did.
The young American researcher Dutchsinse, who has been monitoring the
operations of HAARP, has not only made such allegations but has on the basis of
this monitoring accurately predicted
what are represented as natural disasters, such as the terrible
tornado that destroyed Joplin Missouri on 22nd May. The
American scientist Leuren Moret described the
The discussions on directed energy
weapons that in the 1980s Star Wars discussions were part of mainstream
political debate are today the speciality of a section of society called
the “conspiracy theorists” and
specifically the “chemtrails” activists, who have been trying for years to
gain recognition for acceptance of the reality of a global campaign of aerosol
spraying from aircraft, to serve a variety of purposes from reduction of levels
of sunlight to counteract global warming to increasing the electrical
conductivity of the atmosphere, precisely so as to facilitate the functioning of
directed energy weapons. (This is to leave out of account a number of other
accusations that are also being made in relation to chemtrails).
Unfortunately the
debate has been complicated and confused through the intervention of
another discussion which came into fashion in the early 1990s at the same time
that the nuclear power discussion, and even more so the nuclear weapons
discussion, were going OUT of fashion, and that is the discussion on climate
change. Climate change
activists have developed the habit of citing disasters of all kinds from
cyclones to earthquakes and tsunamis as evidence of the catastrophic effects of
an anthropogenic climate change, whose reality is denied by the so-called
climate change skeptics. The
discussion as it is reproduced in the media blurs an important distinction: the
distinction between the conservative climate
change skeptics who ridicule climate
change activists as prophets of doom and catastrophe mongers, and the radical
climate change skeptics, whose criticism comes from the other direction and
who accuse climate change activists of ignoring the factor of deliberate
environmental warfare. In mainstream
debate both types of climate change skeptic are conflated, with the result that
discussions of any subject from nuclear power stations to extreme climatic
conditions and environmental disasters can very easily become sidetracked into
arguments over anthropogenic climate change.
What has been constructed is a very
effective “divide and rule” scenario. On
the one hand the anti-nuclear movements ignore the discussions of the
“conspiracy theorists” over whether today’s successive “natural”
disasters are being generated deliberately. On the other hand the
“conspiracy” theorists become increasingly preoccupied with the subject of
whether the “natural” disasters are being caused by the Americans, the
Chinese, the Russians, the Europeans, or whoever.
This preoccupation is reinforced by interventions by the likes of the
Russian nationalist Zhirinovsky, who claims on Russian television that the
Russians possess “secret weather weapons” that can destroy any part of the
planet and “kill millions of people”.
Fortunately there are some who have
managed to escape from the “divide-and-rule” scenario.
The Greens of Cyprus, who are members of the European Greens and have
representation in the parliament of Cyprus, campaign actively and at the
leadership level both against both HAARP, which they believe also operates from
Cyprus, and