Cyprus Greens and Chemtrails

Makarios Drousiotis ( in the Cypriot newspaper “Politis tis Kyriakis” (Sunday Citizen) (10/4/2011) wrote the following ironic comment on the efforts of the Cyprus Greens to investigate the “chemtrails” aerial spraying and HAARP.


The things we hear…..

Lets change the subject….

The Agriculture Minister Dimitris Iliadis has given an undertaking to the … Movement against Aerial Spraying to investigate the consequences of bombardment of the skies of Cyprus by the English!

And what is this….Movement based on? On the observations of the members of the Movement!

Does the government have any proof to substantiate the suspicion that anything of this kind is occurring? Are any suspicious flights of aircraft confirmed by the Civil Aviation Authority, or the Defence Ministry?

It seems that anybody who wants to make a flap about anything at all will find access to the media, will find doors open in the ministries, and the state will foot the bill. Is this the way it is?

Doesn’t Iliadis have anything more serious to do with his time than to bother with the psychoses of Perdikis, who got us to do an epidemiological study of the transmission tower at Akrotiri and when it didn’t show up anything queried the findings, but also stopped his “struggle”.

In all the world there are ecologists. We have conspiracy theorists. In Germany 30% of the energy is produced by the sun. We, who can fry eggs on the sidewalk, burn diesel oil. First they told us it isn’t raining because they are bombarding us. Now that it has rained they are telling us that the veggies are being poisoned and we are all becoming epileptics.

And instead of exposing them for making fools of us, they are encouraging them, promising investigations and posing as progressives!



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